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Category Archive for 'Interlull'

The problem  I was discussing VAR recently with a patient who was in favour of it purely on the basis that it has reduced the amount of cheating, diving, rolling around and conning of referees, as players know that they will not get away with it under the scrutiny of VAR’s cameras. Whether it has […]

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So Far … So Pretty Good!

As the celebrations continued after the win against Manchester City, it seemed reasonable to take stock, for the first time this season of how the 2023/24 season had started. In this second Interlull, I will look at three things. How Arsenal have started the season, how have other teams fared so far and finally, what […]

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Embed from Getty Images The recent departure of Harry Kane and its impact on the fan base of our beloved North London neighbours started me thinking about moments in our history when a player (or players) has departed and they seem irreplaceable. The loss of a superstar says many things, as I suspect we will […]

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Expectations Rising

When I was a young boy (around the time Hannibal crossed the Alps on an elephant) our Christmas present choices were more limited. XBoxes and PlayStations had not been remotely thought of, so at Christmas I used to love to be bought, and to play, Waddington’s finest board games like Monopoly, Cluedo, and a horse-racing game called […]

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In two weeks it will be Christmas Day. It will already also be the third anniversary of the passing of a great man, and a great friend of Gooners from around the world, who passed away in the early hours of Christmas Day 2019.I have struggled to know what to write about this World Cup, […]

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