About Us
Jan 4th, 2020 by goonerholicsforever

In March 2007, Dave Faber, aka Goonerholic, wrote, “Half a century of following Arsenal. The joy, and the hurt. There is nothing else quite like it is there? Thanks for joining me, however briefly.
“It is however the take of a long-standing Gooner on what’s happening in and around the club we love. If you enjoy it, then pop back now and again. It will never be a long read. If you don’t enjoy it let me know, and come back from time to time to see if you have converted me. Your suggestions can only help.”
Goonerholic.com generated a worldwide network of acolytes drawn by Holic’s wit, wisdom, deep knowledge of The Arsenal’s history and his ability to be positive not only under the most trying circumstances for The Arsenal but also with the most idiosyncratic contributor to his comments section which he labelled ‘The Drinks’. Dave’s site became a ‘virtual bar’ for his legion of regulars and ‘The Drinks’ became a favourite place to discuss his posts, the latest game, transfers, Jimmy Choo footwear and all manner of other things besides.
Goonerholics Forever is dedicated to Dave, who tragically died on 25 December 2019 after more than a decade writing wonderful blog posts about his beloved football club. This site has been set up by a tight-knit group of highly motivated ‘holics, meeting in smoke-filled corners of the internet to honour Dave’s memory and to preserve the traditions of his original bar.
Apart from our shared respect for Dave and his values and a love for The Arsenal Football Club, we are a diverse group. If you support another club and are willing to tolerate our feeling that it’s your misfortune, then please feel free to join us. Discussions will be frank and disagreements many but always, we insist, underpinned by respect. If you cannot manage to abide by the House Rules then this bar is not the place for you. Violators will be removed as quickly as Dave himself would have done.