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Category Archive for 'Fan Experience'

One night last winter, I was helping to transport a very eminent lady from central London deep into rural Kent. We were discussing the state of financial services, the issues of eldercare and the likely outcome of the then forthcoming election.  As we drove, she suddenly exclaimed, “I know the other bloke who is as […]

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Divided We Fall

Following on from my first piece in this series (LINK HERE), in which I tried to place the modern game of football in a wider societal context, I am now turning my attention to the way that football fans engage with each other. This takes place within the context outlined last time, and I hope […]

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Fishbowl, Anyone?

Readers in the Goonerholic bar run by the inimitable Dave Faber or this establishment setup in his honour will have had the dubious pleasure of reading my opinions about referees down the years.  Well, guess what, you lucky souls? There is plenty more in the tank! To briefly summarise what I’ve already said… I don’t […]

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Embed from Getty Images Prad, Amogh, Sumit, your humble scribe, and Julian representing SVG Another year, another visit to Los Angeles for a pre-season match at the SoFi Arena. Do I sound blasé? Very well, you caught me out. I’ll do better 🙂 This is being posted about ten days later than I’d hoped. Thank […]

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The Twenty Tens – A sea change of a sort Arsenal found themselves under pressure as the new decade opened. It had always seemed a matter of time before Cesc Fabregas returned to his boyhood club in Barcelona, and eventually he did make that move; only his loyalty to Wenger delayed it for a season or […]

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