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Category Archive for 'Willow'

We have a winner By North Bank Ned and TTG And so we reach Match Week 38 and the finish line. Pangloss strolls across well ahead of the pack to win the inaugural GHF Predictathon and claim bragging rights to being the bar’s Biggest Know-It-All.  Poosker takes silver, and BtM, with a late surge, takes […]

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First of all, congratulations again to Pangloss for a remarkable, resounding and relentless victory in the inaugural GHF Predictathon. He first hit the front in Match Week 5 and established his lead from Match Week 8. From Match Week 18, no one could come even close to catching his coattails.  We’ll get to the secrets […]

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A Good Deed Done

We interrupt our usual programming to provide an update on our Goonerholics Forever Predictathon, and the donations that went to Bob and Meg Wilson’s Willow Foundation. We were pleased to receive this email from Lisa Stewart, Willow’s Community Fundraising Officer: “Dear Goonerholicsforever, Now that the date for final entries to the Goonerholics Forever prediction competition […]

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I offered to write a piece for the close season on the basis that I would supply subject matter as soon as something rooted itself in the old noddle. The aim was to provide something Arsenal orientated, importantly, not too serious because summer is supposed to be relaxing and fun, and not just a stream […]

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The HolicsRopeyLeague!! In accordance with the time-honoured traditions of the service here at GoonerholicsForever we are following up TTG’s excellent in-depth end of season review with a brief trip to the land of fantasy and wonder that was, if memory serves, the 93rd edition of the HolicsRopeyLeague. In this fantasy land there are only two rules, […]

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